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El Nintendo

Adolfo Nava

Refran: "What eventually makes us laugh with friends."

Card Description: none

Student Biography: A small paragraph about my card meaning is like having fun playing with friends or laugh  it out with friends too or just have fun peacefully. But the most problem we had with this is that  kids are not the same as before with these kinds of electronics because they have been mostly  meaner and abusing to us. These kids will not be the same after this unless they magically  change over time but at the same time these kids will not go outside and enjoy the time that  the kids have time left being a baby and just go over weight within just staying in the same  place forever which is annoying and make it right to get the electronics at the right older age  since I want the kids to be the same as we used to be to see them what we enjoy back then.

Grade: 12

Card Number: 23

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